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Home > News > [CALL FOR TENDERS] the appointment of a service provider to carry out a literature review on how the effectiveness of terrestrial protected areas is measured.
December 2023  I  News  I  FRB  I 

[CALL FOR TENDERS] the appointment of a service provider to carry out a literature review on how the effectiveness of terrestrial protected areas is measured.

Biodiversa+, through the French Foundation for Research on Biodiversity (FRB) is opening a call for tender to appoint a subcontractor to carry out an evidence synthesis on the measures to assess the effectiveness of terrestrial protected area conservation.

Under the objective “Connecting R&I programs, results and experts to policy” of the Biodiversa+ Partnership, the subtask 4.1.2 “Desk studies and production of knowledge syntheses” led by the French Foundation for Research on Biodiversity (FRB) is subcontracting a service provider to develop a evidence synthesis on the subject of biodiversity monitoring in the support of the evaluation of protected area effectiveness. The FRB will appoint the third-party service provider – after the evaluation/selection process – on February 6th, 2023.


The deadline to apply to this call for tender is set at midnight 27th of January 2023.


All applications should be submitted in English and must follow the application form, and be sent by email to Joseph LANGRIDGE (joseph.langridge@fondationbiodiversite.fr) before this deadline with Cécile MANDON (cecile.mandon@fondationbiodiversite.fr) in copy.

La date de clôture des candidatures pour ce marché est fixée au 27 janvier 2024 à minuit.


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