Mithila UNKULE
FRB-CESAB - Post-doc
Mithila joined FRB-CESAB in January 2023 as a part of the project BIOFOREST. BIOFOREST is a pan-tropical project to understand the effects of selective logging and environmental factors on tree diversity, carbon sequestration, and forest recovery in tropical forests. This project will use data from over 1200 Ha of permanent plots of tropical forests across three continents, to determine the direction to focus efforts for sustainable forest management practices and biodiversity conservation.
Mithila obtained her PhD in forest dynamics from the National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and the Environment (INRAE) at Grenoble, France, and went on to pursue a postdoc at Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL), Switzerland. She has a diverse experience in topics ranging from invasion ecology, forestry, renewable energy, and sociology. She is interested in understanding the impacts of human induced global changes on various natural ecosystems, and working on pragmatic, and workable solutions for climate change mitigation, adaptation, and biodiversity conservation. She hopes to combine her ecological background, and interest in socio-economics to build interdisciplinary collaborations and design holistic solutions for real-life ecological problems.