In a nutshell
Biodiversity research for the benefit of all living beings.
The FRB was created in 2008, following the Grenelle de l’environnement (a series of political meetings organised in France in September and December 2007), on the initiative of the ministries in charge of research and ecology, by eight public research institutions. They have since been joined by LVMH, Ineris, the University of Montpellier and the French Biodiversity Agency (OFB), bringing the number of founding members to 11.
The Foundation’s mission is to support and act with research to increase and transfer knowledge about biodiversity.
The FRB is a foundation for scientific cooperation under private law. It operates independently and has about 30 employees.
The FRB has been headed by Hélène Soubelet since April 2017, with Denis Couvet as President since January 2021.
2018 budget:
3 080 000 €
- Universities : 30 000 €
- European Union : 380 000 €
- Research funding agency : 500 000 €
- Companies : 250 000 €
- Ministries : 1 340 000 €
- Founding members : 580 000 €

Supporting biodiversity research and enabling actors in society to act with these are the primary aims of the FRB.
To this end, the FRB provides information on the landscape and tools of research, promotes multiInstitutes on science themes identified as priorities and contribute to the development of solutions in response to current biodiversity issues.