Two projects were selected from the FRB-CESAB call for proposals of systematic reviews

Two projects were selected by the steering and selection committee from the FRB-CESAB call for proposals of systematic reviews. Both projects will use systematic mapping, critical assessment and narrative synthesis of the corpus of selected texts. Expected outcomes are publications of review articles in international scientific journals.
- Theme 1: State and future of marine biodiversity in a time of global change
InDySem: Influence of ecological dynamics on production and demand for marine ecosystem services. A systematic review for decision-making.
PI : Eric THIEBAUT, Sorbonne University, Paris (France)
- Theme 2, in partnership with Agropolis Fondation: Solutions for agro-ecological transition that conserve biodiversity
Agri-TE (Agriculture Transition Evidence): Evidence-based synthesis of the impacts of agro-ecological transition at the global scale to support integrated modelling and decision-making
PI: Damien BEILLOUIN – CIRAD, HORTYS, Montpellier (France)