[CALL FOR TENDER] the appointment of a service provider to carry out a literature review on the impacts of European seafood production-consumption chains on biodiversity and society
Biodiversa+, in collaboration with the French Foundation for Research on Biodiversity (FRB), is launching a call for tenders to commission a third party to synthesize evidence on the impacts of European seafood consumption on biodiversity and society within the context of global supply chains.
Under the objective “Connecting R&I programs, results and experts to policy” of the Biodiversa+ Partnership, the subtask 4.1.2 “Desk studies and production of knowledge syntheses” led by the French Foundation for Research on Biodiversity (FRB) is subcontracting a service provider to develop a evidence synthesis in order to review the state of knowledge on the impacts of European seafood production-consumption chains on biodiversity and society. The FRB will appoint the third party service provider – after the evaluation process – on February 7th, 2025.
The deadline to apply to this call for tender is set at midnight 27th of January 2025.
All applications should be submitted in English and sent by email to :
- Joseph LANGRIDGE joseph.langridge@fondationbiodiversite.fr
- Marlies LAETHEM in copy Marlies.laethem@belspo.be
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