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Home > News > [CALL FOR TENDER] Appointment of a service provider to carry out a report on the best solutions for data interoperability and data storage in Europe.
August 2024  I  News  I  Biodiversa  I 

[CALL FOR TENDER] Appointment of a service provider to carry out a report on the best solutions for data interoperability and data storage in Europe.

Biodiversa+ is opening a call for tender. We are appointing a subcontractor to undertake a report on the best solutions for data interoperability and data storage in Europe.

Under the objective “Harmonise databases and data interoperability” of Biodiversa+, the European Biodiversity Partnership is subcontracting a service provider to undertake a report on the best solutions for data interoperability and data storage in Europe.




The deadline to apply to this call for tender is set at on the 25th of September 2024 – 10:00 am (CEST).


For any questions on the application process, please reach out to :


More information :

>> Call for tender

>> Application form
