Endocrine disruption and its links with biodiversity
The FRB, with the support of the French Agency for Biodiversity (AFB), calls on the French research community to submit research and analysis projects in the field of endocrine disruption and its links with biodiversity, based on the analysis and synthesis of existing data. Projects will be considered if they address various issues related to this theme, in accordance with the details given in the annex to this call.
The main objective of CESAB is to facilitate the production of new knowledge from existing data. It supports international expert groups that share their expertise and share available data, by organizing meetings, supporting communication and data analysis, and a post-doctoral fellow who will accompany the project. Since 2019, CESAB has been located in Montpellier.
A pre-selection of projects will be made by the members of the CESAB Scientific Committee within two weeks of receipt of the pre-proposals. These must be submitted exclusively by email to cesab@fondationbiodiversite.fr.
They must include:
- The pre-proposal form to be downloaded bellow, and converted to pdf format (including a brief description of the project’s context, aims, scope and scientific objectives, as well as its approach and interest in terms of synthesis, and the list of all researchers who have agreed to participate in the project).
- Two pages of information about the project principal investigator (CV, publications, etc.)
- Call Description – Endocrine disruption and biodiversity [FR]
- Appendix – Endocrine Disruption and Biodiversity: Context and Issues [FR]
- Pre-proposal form – Endocrine disruption and biodiversity [ENG]

• 30th June 2019
Pre-Proposal deadline
• 19th July 2019
Invitation to submit a full-proposal
• 6th September 2019
Full-proposal deadline
• 15th October 2019
Final decision will be made