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The post-2020 Global biodiversity framework – Analysis of the draft framework by FRB

This report provides scientific insight into the elements under discussion within the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD).

It considers the draft framework in its official version of July 2021. The relevance of the four strategic goals, 21 action targets and associated indicators is examined in the light of the latest scientific work. This document was prepared by the French Foundation for Biodiversity Research (FRB) at the request of the Foreign Affairs Ministry. 

The Link Between Covid-19 and Biodiversity: A Report Commissioned by the French Public Authorities

The relevant ministries and research institutions members of the AllEnvi alliance (The National Alliance for Environmental Research) have solicited the FRB (The French Foundation for Biodiversity Research) and its Scientific Council to give the biodiversity science community’s perspective on the current crisis, and on the relationship between zoonotic diseases, biodiversity and ecosystem services.
In order to disseminate this synthesis to a non-French-speaking audience, an English version is now available.  



Analytic report on the use of DSI on genetic resources for food and agriculture

The main findings of the report were therefore:


  • To propose an appellation to replace the term “digital sequence information” with “digital data on genetic resource sequences” or “digital sequence data”;
  • To define a typology following the chronology of the bioinformatics protocol for processing sequencer data outputs: raw data, cleaned data, analysed data;
  • To list the main applications of this digital data.



The report was launched during a seminar that took place on Monday, 8 October, at the House of Oceans in Paris. The seminar was attended by almost 50 people with different backgrounds (representatives of ministries, diplomats, researchers, industrialists, journalists). The seminar’s meeting minutes and the speakers’ presentations are available on the FRB website.

Biodiversity within the “Environment” theme of the 7th framework programme (2007-2010)

At the European level, biodiversity research projects can be funded through a range of tools, including the seventh framework programme for research and development (FP7) in which the “Environment” theme is recognized as a major source of funding. Indeed, the European Commission provides important funding support for a range of research projects encompassing several sub-activities, including biodiversity, as part of this FP7 “Environment” theme.



Biodiversity, a cross-disciplinary topic, not identified as such in the FP7 “Environment” theme


Within the FP7, biodiversity appears in various sub-activities: “Pressures on environment & climate”, “Marine environments”, “Sustainable management of resources”…, but there is not a unique and delimited entry point for funding biodiversity research. Consequently, assessing the results of FP7 funding for the research community working on biodiversity and associated issues is complex.

To overcome this difficulty, the FRB conducted the present study – downloadable from the resources below – based on the results of the projects submitted to the FP7. The main goal of the study is to assess the importance of biodiversity among the FP7 “Environment” theme, through the sub-activities identified. Temporal trends of funding are also assessed for the 2007-2010 period, and the relative performances of the participating countries are compared.