IRDResearch Director within the “Diversity, Adaptation, and Development of Plants” unit (DIADE) – “Anthropization and Dynamics of Plant Genetic Diversity” team (DYNADIV) – Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

Adeline Barnaud is a Research Director at the IRD, where she explores the dynamics of agricultural biodiversity through interdisciplinary approaches combining population genetics, ethnoecology, and agronomy. She studies how agrobiodiversity, shaped by societies and their environment over several millennia, can serve as a lever for equitable, sustainable, and resilient agriculture in the face of global challenges.
Anchoring her work in regions of Sub-Saharan Africa (Ghana, Senegal, Tanzania, Ethiopia, etc.) and Southeast Asia (Cambodia), she develops comparative approaches to analyze plant adaptation trajectories and integrates the perspectives of farming communities.
Working closely over the long term with colleagues from various disciplines (anthropologists, ecologists, geographers, agronomists, climatologists, etc.), she develops participatory and performative approaches to co-construct solutions with local stakeholders for the sustainable and equitable management of agricultural biodiversity.
Notable Scientific Publications
- Kaczmarek, T. et al. (2023). Towards conservation and sustainable use of anindigenous crop: A large partnership network enabled the genetic diversity assessment of 1539 fonio (Digitaria exilis) accessions. Plants, People, Planet, 1–10.
- Cissé A, et al. (2023). Varietal mixtures in Sahelian landscapes: a traditional knowledge to reconcile yield and conservation. Special Issue in Basic and Applied Ecology: “Biodiversity and ecosystem services in agricultural systems: field to landscape-scale management for biodiversity-yield synergies”
- Diop BM, et al. (2023). Historical Human Migration shaped the Spatial Genetic Structure of Fonio (Digitaria exilis – Kippist – Stapf) in Senegal. Plant People Planet.
- Jankowski F & Barnaud A. (2023) Gestion communautaire des semences et responsabilité collective envers l’agrobiodiversité – De la nécessaire reconnaissance des incommuns. Droit et Cutures dans le cadre d’un numéro spécial « Des semences qui circulent, les nouveaux lieux et liens de la diffusion variétale »
- Jankowski F., Louafi S., Kane N. A., Diol M., Camara AD, Pham J-L, Berthouly-Salazar C, Barnaud A. 2020. From texts to enacting practices: defining fair and equitable research principles for plant genetic resources in West Africa. Agriculture and Human Values. 37:1083–1094.