Project Manager "French Committee for Ipbes" and Call for projects "Anthropogenic pressures and impacts on terrestrial biodiversityEuropean and International Coordination Unit
Science and Research Community Division

Coline Léandre joined the FRB in September 2020 as part of her work-study programme for an agricultural engineering degree specialising in public policies, territorial stakeholders and natural resources management at Montpellier SupAgro.
She is currently working as a Project manager for the animation, the mobilization and the synthesis of the expertise. In the framework of her first mission, with the French Committee for Ipbes ((Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services), Coline Léandre supports and mobilises French political, scientific and societal actors in their interactions with the Intergovernmental Platform. More specifically, she participates in the scientific coordination in support of the French representatives for IPBES plenary sessions, in the dissemination of the results of IPBES assessments at the national level and in the implementation of actions to strengthen the relationship between IPBES and IPCC.
Her second mission is to ensure the steering, the management of the evaluation and the follow-up of the projects funded within the framework of this Call for Projects and to organise events for the promotion of the results of these projects.
In addition, Coline Léandre is also involved in evaluating the potential leverage effect of the measures of the 3rd National Biodiversity Strategy (SNB3).