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FRB-CESAB - Post-docScience and research community division

Devi VEYTIA joined CESAB in June 2022 as a postdoctoral researcher for the French Priority Research Program Ocean & Climate project on Ocean-related options for climate change mitigation and adaption. The project aims to synthesize the evidence base relevant to assessing the effectiveness of these options, as well as co-benefits or side effects. With this understanding, the outcomes of this project aim to help identify research priorities and support decision making within France and globally.
Devi obtained her PhD from the University of Tasmania, where her project focused on modelling the current and future population success of Antarctic krill – a key prey species in important Southern Ocean ecosystems – in a changing climate. Inspired by climate change mitigation and adaptation, Devi hopes to promote opportunities for creating new knowledge by bringing her quantitative skills to the project and facilitating interdisciplenary collaborations.