Biodiversa+ – Responsible for the science-society-policy interfaceEuropean and International Coordination Unit

Frédéric Lemaitre is responsible for the science-society-policy interface of the European Biodiversa+ partnership. Since 2015, he has developed stakeholder involvement in the BiodivERsA partnership, leading flagship activities on this topic and developing fruitful collaborations through BiodivERsA activities and building on the results of supported projects. As part of Biodiversa+, he is also responsible for knowledge in the Ipbes technical support unit on knowledge and data.
Frédéric Lemaitre joined the FRB in 2009 during the first phase of the BiodivERsA project as a management and coordination assistant, before becoming executive director of the BiodivERsA2 secretariat, which he managed between 2010 and 2014. A graduate of Reims Management School (France) and holder of a B.A. in European business from Dublin City University (Ireland), he then became interested in the decoupling of economic development and environmental degradation, and completed his studies by obtaining an MSc in Development and Environment from the London School of Economics (UK).