Michela BUSANA
FRB-Cesab - Post-doc
Michela BUSANA joined the FRB in the summer of 2023 for a post-doctoral position at Cesab on the Acoucene project. Within the project Michela will quantify bird songs diversity and characteristics in France and forecast their changes in the future. She will also investigate how these changes in bird songs are driven by variations in species richness and abundance, land use, and climate changes.
Michela‘s interests span ecology, conservation, behavioral ecology, and the life history of terrestrial species. She is particularly interested in combining state-of-the-art data-driven software solutions to promote evidence-based strategies for a sustainable society.
During her Ph.D., Michela investigated the life history and population dynamics of cooperative breeding in the Seychelles warblers at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands. She has also worked at Radboud University in the Netherlands and BirdLife International in England.