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Miriam BECK
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Miriam BECK
FRB-CESAB - Post-doc
Miriam BECK joined the FRB within its CESAB in January 2024 as post-doc of CESAB group IMPACTS.
Miriam’s research focuses on understanding communities and biodiversity over time and space, particularly under the multiple stressors to which they are exposed. During her PhD, she studied macroinvertebrate communities in French-wide rivers, focusing on the aspect of their stoichiometry, that is the interaction and balance of elements in the organism and the environment. She then worked with imaging data in the marine environment, adding the facet of morphology to the study of the biodiversity of plankton and marine snow.
Now at CESAB, she will combine her experience to identify and define best practices to identify and quantify the impact of human and natural factors on biodiversity, and then apply them to spatial and temporal data at national and regional scales, covering a wide number of taxonomic groups and different facets of biodiversity.