INRAEINRAE-CBGP Research Director

Nathalie Charbonnel is research director at INRAE. She is interested in the evolutionary ecology of small mammals in the context of zoonoses and conservation biology.
Her research aims to analyze the processes that shape the biodiversity of rodent/pathogen interactions, and to assess the impact of microbial co-infections and flora on the susceptibility of rodents to certain pathogens (BiodivERsA BioRodDis, MEM HantaGuLuMic coord.). The study of the variability of immune responses (immunogenetics, adaptive genomics, immunoecology) is also central to its approaches. Recently, she has been developing studies on the evolutionary ecology of chiropterans and the possibilities of combining biological control and conservation biology. She analyses the ecology and services rendered by these small mammals using molecular approaches (population genetics, analysis of diet by environmental metabarcoding).
Other functions: Nathalie Charbonnel is a member of the Animals group of the AllEnvi alliance. She has been a member of the scientific council of the EFPA-EcoFA-EvoDiv department at INRAE, and of the sectorial scientific commissions at INRAE and IRD.