Nathalie MORATA
HeadEuropean and International Coordination Unit

Nathalie Morata joined the foundation in January 2023, as Head of the European and International Coordination Unit. The Pole covers the FRB’s work on IPBES (Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services) and the CBD (Convention on Biological Diversity), and hosts the executive secretariats of IENE (Infrastructure and Ecology Network Europe), Biodiversa (European Biodiversity Research Funding Network), and CO-OP4CBD (a cooperation project to enhance coordination of EU support to advance the implementation of the CBD).
Oceanographer by training, Nathalie Morata has investigated the impact of climate change on polar marine ecosystems for 13 years. She was chair of ART (Arctic in Rapid Transition), a network of the IASC (International Arctic Science Committee). Wishing to help strengthen the link between science and society, she has been a scientific advisor to the Ambassador for the Poles and has been involved in scientific outreach, in particular through conferences for schoolchildren and the general public, and the publication of the book “The Class Core”. She has coordinated national and international climate change education and citizen science programs. She is a member of the “climate crisis” and “education and communication” commissions of the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature).