Biodiversa+ is the European Biodiversity Partnership.
Being a part of the European Biodiversity Strategy for 2030 to build the bridge between science, policy and practice, Biodiversa+ gathers 74 research programmers and funders and environmental policy actors from 37 European and associated countries to work on 5 main objectives:
- Plan and support research and innovation on biodiversity through a shared strategy, annual joint calls for research projects and capacity building activities;
- Set up a network of harmonised schemes to improve monitoring of biodiversity and ecosystem services across Europe;
- Contribute to high-end knowledge for deploying Nature-based Solutions and valuation of biodiversity in the private sector;
- Ensure efficient science-based support for policy-making and implementation in Europe;
- Strengthen the relevance and impact of pan-European research on biodiversity in a global context.
· FRB and Biodiversa+
FRB hosts most of the Biodiversa+ operational team and plays a key role in the implementation of the network activities. Several of the Biodiversa+ key activities, including strengthening the links with the private sector, with IPBES, conducting systematic reviews and communication are also carried out through the involvement of the FRB in Biodiversa+.
FRB also plays a key role in other Biodiversa actions:
- FRB is coordinating BiodivScen and hosting its Secretariat. BiodivScen is a joint action between BiodivERsA and the Belmont Forum co-funded by the European Commission aiming at promoting and funding research on scenarios of biodiversity and ecosystem services.
- FRB is involved in the BiodivClim action, an Biodiversa action through the hosting of the secretariat, as well as in the BiodivRestore action, a joint action between BiodivERsA and Water JPI by ensuring the coordination and hosting the secretariat.
FRB is also involved in projects in which Biodiversa+ plays a role, such as NetworkNature.
Through Biodiversa+, the FRB also hosts the IPBES’s knowledge and data TSU.
From 2008 to 2021: funding granted by BiodivERsA

Xavier LE ROUX
Chair & Coordinator
Biodiversa+ Vice Chair
Claire BLERY
Senior Officer in charge of science-society / science-policy interface
Programme officer, IPBES technical support unit on knowledge and data
Biodiversa+ Officer
Biodiversa+ Officer
Assistant for stakeholder engagement
Visit :
· Biodiversa+ Executive summary;
· Biodiversa+ Strategic Research & Innovation Agenda.
Follow the Partnership on :
· Twitter : @BiodivERsA3
· LinkedIn et Youtube : Biodiversa+
· Register to the Biodiversa+ newsletter
- BiodivScen
BiodivScen is a programme jointly launched by BiodivERsA and the Belmont Forum and co-funded by the European Commission. It aims at promoting research on scenarios of biodiversity and ecosystem services.
FRB is in charge of the coordination of the programme and hosts the BiodivScen Secretariat. FRB is thus particularly active in the management of administrative aspects, as well as in science-society / science-policy interfacing activities centred around the international research projects funded through BiodivScen.
For more information on BiodivScen.
- BiodivClim
BiodivClim is a programme launched by BiodivERsA which is co-funded by the European Commission and aims at promoting research on biodiversity and climate change.
FRB hosts the Secretariat for the BiodivClim program and is, as such, particularly active in the management of administrative aspects as well as in science-society / science-political interfacing activities around international research projects funded within the framework of the action.
Fore more information on BiodivClim.
- BiodivRestore
BiodivRestore is a programme jointly launched by BiodivERsA and the Water JPI which is co-funded by the European Commission. It aims to promote research on the conservation and restoration of degraded ecosystems and their biodiversity.
FRB is in charge of the coordination of the programme and hosts the BiodivScen Secretariat. FRB is thus particularly active in the management of administrative aspects, as well as in science-society / science-policy interfacing activities centred around the international research projects funded through BiodivScen.
Fore more information on BiodivRestore.
- IPBES technical support units (TSUs)
IPBES technical support units (TSUs) are teams mobilised by IPBES Secretariat to support whether IPBES task forces or authors for an assessment in the implementation of their work programme. The TSU on knowledge and data was created to support the IPBES task force on knowledge and data in the implementation of its mandate: since 2019, BiodivERsA is co-hosting the TSU for the “knowledge generation” part, while the Senckenberg Institute (Frankfurt) addresses issues related to the data part. Regarding knowledge, the objective is to catalyse the generation of new knowledge based on gaps identified in IPBES assessments. To do so, the task force developed a three-step process:
Step 1: supporting assessments’ authors in the knowledge gaps’ identification process;
Step 2: promoting the uptake of identified gaps by engaging relevant external organisations and institutions;
Step 3: monitoring and follow up of how new knowledge effectively fills identified gaps.
- ThinkNature
ThinkNature is a platform of 17 European partners, including BiodivERsA, aiming at better understanding and promoting Nature-based Solutions.
Through BiodivERsA, FRB is monitoring the outputs of the platform and contribute to feed the platform.
- 2021-2022 – Biodiversa+ joint call co-funded by the European Commission on « Supporting the protection of biodiversity and ecosystems across land and sea »
- 2020-2021 – Joint Call between BiodivERsA and Water JPI and co-funded by the European Commission on « Conservation and restoration of degraded ecosystems and their biodiversity, including a focus on aquatic systems »
- 2019-2020 – Join Call co-funded by the European Commission on “biodiversity and climate change”
- 2018-2019 – Biodiversity and its influence on animal, human and plant health
- 2017-2018 – Joint call between the Belmont Forum and BiodivERsA, co-funded by the European Commission on “Scenarios of biodiversity and ecosystem services”
- 2015-2016 – Joint call co-funded by the European Commission on the following themes:
- Theme 1 – Understanding and managing the biodiversity dynamics of soils and sediments to improve ecosystem functioning and delivery of ecosystem services
- Theme 2 – Understanding and managing biodiversity dynamics in land-, river- and sea-scapes (habitat connectivity, green and blue infrastructures, and naturing cities) to improve ecosystem functioning and delivery of ecosystem services
- 2013-2014 – Promoting synergies and reducing trade-offs between food supply, biodiversity and ecosystem services (Joint call between BiodivERsA and FACCE-JPI)
- 2012-2013 – Invasive species and biological invasions
- 2011-2012 – Biodiversity scenarios, identifying tipping points and improving resilience
- 2010-2011 – Biodiversity and ecosystem services and their valuation
- 2008 – Biodiversity: linking scientific advancement to policy and practice
- How natural forest expansion in Europe can offer cost-effective benefits to people (ENG);
- Planning and managing networks of Marine Protected Areas in a changing climate (ENG);
- How soil biodiversity can strengthen resilience and ecosystem services in agricultural landscapes (ENG);
- Small scale fisheries and co-management schemes (ENG);
- Green infrastructure within agricultural landscapes strengthens the supply of ecosystem services (ENG) ;
- Policy tools to manage synergies and trade-offs between ecosystem services (ENG);
- The Common Agricultural Policy can strengthen biodiversity and ecosystem services by diversifying agricultural landscapes (ENG);
- Action on invasive alien species should better anticipate climate change effects on biological invasions in Europe (ENG);
- Measures to increase ecosystem resilience and avoid tipping points (ENG);
- Wildlife diseases on the increase (ENG);
- Conservation of threatened insects in Europe (ENG);
- Natura 2000 and Europe’s forests (ENG);
- Conservation of small mammals and associated ecosystems” (ENG);
- Nitrogen pollution and climate change reduce carbon storage and biodiversity of peatlands (ENG);
- Adaptation of trees and forests to climate change: the importance of genetic variability (ENG).