CO-OP4CBD, or “Cooperation for the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD),” is a Horizon Europe project that began in December 2022 and is funded by the European Union with 4 million euros over 4 years.
The aim of CO-OP4CBD is to:
- Better engage European expertise in the CBD processes through the negotiators of the Member States of the European Union (EU) and associated countries;
- Increase access to European expertise through scientific and technical cooperation and targeted capacity building;
- Contribute to the development of an effective monitoring and evaluation process for the efforts of the Member States of the European Union and associated countries in implementing the Kunming-Montréal Global Biodiversity Framework.
Nine European partners are involved in this project, coordinated by the French Foundation for Biodiversity Research (FRB) and the World Conservation Monitoring Centre (Unep-WCMC).
The project is divided into six main missions:
The goal is to identify and map knowledge needs within the framework of the CBD and to prioritize these needs with CBD negotiators, while identifying and mapping knowledge holders, institutions, networks, and platforms relevant to the Convention’s agenda.
The purpose is to address the need to engage experts and researchers in the preparatory processes to support the work of the European Union’s negotiators, its Member States, and associated countries within the CBD processes. The challenge here is also to support the identification of current knowledge gaps for biodiversity-related decision-making and to enhance governments’ use of existing knowledge.
This mission meets the needs of the European Union, its Member States, and associated countries by translating and implementing the monitoring framework of the Kunming-Montréal global biodiversity framework at the regional and national levels in the EU Member States.
This mission involves supporting the development of technical and scientific cooperation and expanding the capacity to make coherent contributions to the CBD, at the level of scientists, traditional ecological knowledge holders, and policymakers. It enables European researchers to more effectively participate in the work of the CBD, its subsidiary bodies, and working groups.
The objective here is to increase the efficiency, dissemination, and impact of CO-OP4CBD’s work by raising awareness and maximizing the impact of project outcomes, supporting community building and knowledge exchange throughout the project, and providing relevant materials and tools to enhance communication.
The main goal of this mission is to provide effective and transparent project coordination and management, as well as to ensure consistency with the CBD agenda and to identify links, where possible, to connect the project’s work with other agreements and intergovernmental processes.
Are you interested in joining the network of experts? Please visit this link.

· Visit the CO-OP4CBD website for project news.
· You can also get involved by joining the project’s expert network. All the information can be found at this link.