Interactions between tree Biodiversity, Forest dynamics and climate in managed tropical forests: a pan-tropical approach

Tropical forests are home to one of the greatest species diversity on Earth, but are increasingly affected by human activities.
Selective logging, the harvesting of a few large trees per hectare, is one of the most common uses of these forests. Yet, the way selective logging, combined with climate change, will affect tree diversity and forest recovery is still poorly understood.
This project will use data from over 1200 ha of permanent plots of logged tropical forests on three continents to study the effects of logging and environmental factors on tree diversity, carbon sequestration and timber recovery. BIOFOREST will also model forest recovery under different management practices and climate change scenarios.
This research will help us understand how to better manage tropical forests for biodiversity conservation, carbon sequestration and timber production.

Marielos PEÑA-CLAROS – Wageningen University (Netherlands) ;
Camille PIPONIOT – CIRAD (France)
Post-doc :
BIOFOREST brings together specialists in ecology, modelling and management of tropical forests.
BIOFOREST was selected from the 2022 call for proposals. The project selection process was carried out by a committee of independent experts.