DYNAMics of the production and export of aragonITE shells

Planktonic organisms secreting a calcium carbonate (CaCO3) shell play a key, multi-faceted role in the oceans’ ability to absorb CO2 from the atmosphere. One of the main mineral forms taken by CaCO3 is called aragonite. Surprisingly little is known about the aragonite cycle in the ocean.
Aragonite is produced in modern oceans by pteropods, heteropods and janthinids, groups of pelagic snails, but the magnitude of this production is not quantified. For example, published estimates of aragonite’s contribution to global CaCO3 production in the modern ocean cover a very wide range, from 1% to 98%. Furthermore, the spatial distribution of aragonite production is unknown. This project aims to remedy this by bringing together an international group of scientists. Together, these experts will synthesize and compile a unique and comprehensive database to reveal the dynamics of aragonite shell production and export in the world ocean today and over recent decades.

Principal Investigators:
Julie MEILLAND – MARUM, University of Bremen (DE)
DYNAMITE brings together specialists in taxonomy, ecology, aragonite producers’ biology, marine ecosystems and biogeochemical modelling, carbonate chemistry.
DYNAMITE was selected from the 2023 datashare call for proposals. The project selection process was carried out by a committee of independent experts.