Inland navigation infrastructures and biodiversity: impacts and opportunities for waterwayscape management

Facing global change, inland navigation transport is a promising sustainable transport alternative to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions. However, the development of infrastructures to promote this transport modifies eco-morphological characteristics of rivers with serious risk of disturbance of their biodiversity.
NAVIDIV investigate how to mitigate the impacts of navigation and inland navigation infrastructures on biodiversity. After a literature state-of-the-art, we will synthesize and analyse data from multiple European sources (including 30 spatio-temporal datasets) to quantify the effects of inland navigation infrastructures on biodiversity of fish, aquatic macroinvertebrates, and riparian/floodplain vegetation across various contexts and scales. The project will evaluate the general effects of navigation intensity depending on land-cover types (agricultural vs. urban vs. natural habitats) and territorial characteristics (e.g. protected areas) and investigate underlying mechanisms to identify management compromises.
NAVIDIV will provide useful synthetic knowledge and guidelines to prioritize management and restoration actions considering the various human uses of waterwayscapes.
NAVIDIV project members at CESAB in January 2023

Jean-Nicolas BEISEL – ENGEES/CNRS (France) ;
Alienor JELIAZKOV – INRAE (France)
Aaron SEXTON – FRB-CESAB (France)
NAVIDIV brings together specialists in biodiversity data synthesis, the relationship between navigation and biodiversity, and river restoration.
NAVIDIV was selected from the 2020 joint call for proposals with ITTECOP. The project selection process was carried out by a committee of independent experts.
[02] Jeliazkov A, Martínez-Fernández V, Altanov VY, Beisel J-N, Buijse AD, Consuegra S, Felin S, Garcia De Leaniz C, Graf W, He F, Jähnig SC, Leitner P, Schmidt-Kloiber A, Sexton AN, Staentzel C, Tales E, Wantzen KM & Wolter C (2024) A global systematic map of knowledge of inland commercial navigation effects on freshwater ecosystems. Journal of Environmental Management, 370, 122474. DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2024.122474.
[01] Sexton AN, Beisel J-N, Staentzel C, Wolter C, Tales E, Belliard J, Buijse AD, Martínez Fernández V, Wantzen KM, Jähnig SC, Garcia De Leaniz C, Schmidt-Kloiber A, Haase P, Forio MAE, Archambaud G, Fruget J-F, Dohet A, Evtimova V, Csabai Z, Floury M, Goethals P, Várbiró G, Cañedo-Argüelles M, Larrañaga A, Maire A, Schäfer RB, Sinclair JS, Vannevel R, Welti EAR & Jeliazkov A (2024) Inland navigation and land use interact to impact European freshwater biodiversity. Nature Ecology & Evolution, accepted. DOI: 10.1038/s41559-024-02414-8.
– Sexton A., Beisel J.N. (…) & Jeliazkov A. (2022-11-21) Context-dependence of navigation effects on biodiversity: a data synthesis across Europe. SFE² GfÖ EEF Joint meeting, International Conference on Ecological Sciences, Metz, France. 21-25 nov. 2022. Oral communication.
– Beisel J.N., Sexton A. (…) & Jeliazkov A. (2022-10-19) Infrastructures de navigation fluviale et biodiversité : impacts et opportunités pour la gestion du paysage navigable. Colloque ITTECOP 2022, 19 oct. 2022. Paris, France. Poster.
– Jeliazkov A., Beisel J.N. (…) & Sexton A. (2022-09-13) Infrastructures de navigation fluviale et biodiversité : impacts et opportunités pour la gestion du paysage navigable. Webinaires ITTECOP 2022, 6, 13 & 27 sept. 2022. Invited conference. [Presentation available here.]