Strengthening management of agrobiodiversity through social networks: A cross-disciplinary method for analyzing how local seed systems impact the diversity of domesticated plants

Crop biodiversity contributes to the performance of agroecosystems. Seed circulation (SC) by farmers is key to maintaining agrobiodiversity. Understanding how SC impacts food security requires studies integrating biological and social aspects.
Seeds of cultivated plants are both biological objects (carriers of genetic information) and social and economic objects (markers of identity and status). Seed circulation (SC) shapes the diffusion of agrobiodiversity, affecting the performance of agroecosystems. But SC is not driven by agronomic concerns alone; SC reflects social structure. No adequate framework existed for the analysis of such a ‘hybrid’ object.
NETSEED’s objective was to develop a conceptual framework and methodology for integrating biological and social aspects of SC to understand how it contributes to ensuring food security. To respond to this challenge, NETSEED assembled an interdisciplinary team: 17 researchers from fields as diverse as geography, anthropology, population genetics and modelling. the project’s first task, to develop a common language across disciplines, would require producing a thesaurus, a glossary, and an “application ontology” integrating concepts from different disciplines and permitting analysis of disparate types of data.
NETSEED then aimed to use the new framework to produce state-of-the-art reviews, advancing synthesis of the fragmented literature and pointing to gaps; to analyze our own data for general patterns; to identify limitations of current methods; and finally, to develop new methods for producing and analyzing the data needed for rigorous, truly integrative studies of SC networks.

Doyle MCKEY – University of Montpellier/CNRS (France)
Marco PAUTASSO – CNRS Montpellier (France); Mathieu THOMAS – INRA (France).
NETSEED brings together specialists in agriculture, ethnobiology, biodiversity, anthropology, population genetics and agronomy.
NETSEED was selected from the 2010 call for proposals. The project selection process was carried out by a committee of independent experts.
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